Multiple Intelligences Theory & Practical

Multiple Intelligence Theory & Practical Training


Multiple intelligences is a psychological theory about the mind. It's a critique of the notion that there's a single intelligence which we're born with, which can't be changed, and which psychologists can measure. It's based on a lot of scientific research in fields ranging from psychology to anthropology to biology. It's not based on test correlations, which most other intelligence theories are. The claim is that there are at least eight different human intelligences. Most intelligence tests look at language or logic or both - those are just two of the intelligences. The other six are musical, spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist. Two claims are made relative to multiple intelligences: The first claim is that all human beings have all of these intelligences. It's part of our species definition. The second claim is that, both because of our genetics and our environment, no two people have exactly the same profile of intelligences, not even identical twins, because their experiences are different." – Howard Gardner.
This theory is important to classroom teachers as it can help them create lessons which are more adequately and thoroughly focused on individual student needs. Additionally, a general awareness of multiple intelligences allows teachers, parents and learners to better understand how to make the most of the learning environment, whereby improving achievement.

At the end of program, participants will be able to: 

  • Explain the concepts, philosophy, principles and applications of multiple intelligences.
  • Explain and demonstrate how to create lessons which reflect an understanding of multiple intelligences. 
  • Differentiate between and explain the different intelligences.
  • Describe the link between multiple intelligences in the learner and the lesson plans.
  • Create effective learning outcomes for different styles of learner.
  • Adjust lesson plans and teaching styles according to individual student needs.

For lecturers, teachers, trainers and administrators in educational institutions who are directly or indirectly involved in the teaching and learning environment.  


Multiple Intelligence Theory & Practical Training

Cross Cultural Awareness & Strategies In The Classroom

Creating & Maintaining A Students Centered Classroom


MODULE 1 – Multiple Intelligences Theory 

  • What is Multiple Intelligence Theory and why is it important?
  • History
  • Common Approaches

MODULE 2 – Multiple Intelligence Teaching  vs. Traditional Teaching:

  • Paradigm Shift in the Education & Training Philosophy Principles
  • Relevance & Benefits of Multiple Intelligences  

MODULE 3 – Multiple Intelligences in Learners 

  • What do multiple intelligences look like in learners?
  • Non-invasive identification of learner intelligences in the classroom.  

MODULE 4 – Multiple Intelligences in Lesson Plans

  • Characteristics of a lesson plan adjusted for Multiple Intelligences
  • Types of Multiple Intelligences Lesson Plans
  • Common oversights in Multiple Intelligence lessons
  • How to infuse all lesson plans with Multiple Intelligence offerings
  • Recognizing Opportunities to infuse lessons with Multiple Intelligence offerings

MODULE 5 – Adjusting Current Lesson Plans to Match Updated Learner Intelligences 

  • Evaluating your learners while educating them about their own preferred style of learning
  • Recognizing your preferred style of lesson plan creation and shifting it to meet learner needs

MODULE 6 – Helping students identify their style of intelligences

  • Student Centered Lessons & Activities focused on Multiple Intelligences

MODULE 7 - Presentation and Critique of Multiple Intelligences Lesson Plans