Besides making sustainable profits, every organization craves to effective teamwork and cooperation between colleagues. However, dealing with different personalities and various interests generates many tensions. Ultimately, no single team can avoid tensions. However, the teams who know how to manage conflicts avoid pain and disaster; these teams turn challenges into precious opportunities to find better ways for growth.
This program raises awareness of each person's own behaviors, values, and attitudes that may influence their actions in a professional context and even lead to conflict. It provides several tools and methodologies to discern on when to handle conflict, how to negotiate, how to address the real problems, how to find creative solutions as well as how to reduce the most common conflict triggers such as stress and emotions.
Participants can directly apply both the self-development part and every single methodology straight away. Ample practice during the program gives the opportunity to gain confidence in each participant’s ability to embrace new practices and apply efficiently at work. During the program, we use a real example of the participants’ unsettled issues at their own working places, while keeping all this confidential.
Knowing how to handle conflict enables to face difficult situations and limit the incurred damages. Best practices in preventing conflicts develop enhanced relational leadership skills and lead to reinforced positive behaviors, attitudes, practices and achievements.
Learning Outcomes
- Raise our personal awareness to prevent entering into conflict unwillingly
- Reframe our perspectives of people and situation into opportunities to adjust and develop
- Chose the right time, behaviour, attitude and strategy to address conflicts
- Know exactly when and how to intervene while noticing tensions
- Develop empathy for better understanding and solution findings
- Enhance relationships at work for lasting cooperation
- Maximise our ability to deal with stress and difficult situations
- Coach most powerful emotions with a simple model
- Embrace the top negotiators and mediators' mindset about constructive solutions emerging from conflicts for a greater and lasting benefit
- Harness the energy of conflict for creativity and development
Assessment Criteria
- Self-assessment questionnaire at the start of the program
- Self-assessment questionnaire at the end of the program
- Team Coaching and/or One on One Coaching - additional option
- to address a recurrent or lasting conflict
- to develop personal competencies in preventing conflicts as a key leadership skill, to sharpen negotiating abilities and to turn difficult situations into growth opportunities
- Lectures integrated with videos focused on key aspects of conflict management
- Group discussions and team activities
- Coaching practice on handling emotions
- Poesy writing for increased creativity in finding solutions
- Music analysis to sharpen listening skills in conflict
Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Emotional Intelligence Training
Branding Yourself: Professional Image & Business Etiquette Training
The shared or various perspectives we bring
- How differently we consider, judge and evaluate people
- Experiencing judgement
- Assessing the reliability and accuracy of our and others’ judgments
What makes a conflict arising
- Identifying typical conflict sources, at personal, team or organizational levels
- Differentiating internal or external perspectives
- Choosing among the conflict phases when is the optimal time to handle conflicts
- Positive outcomes from conflicts
Different layers and angles of perceptions
- Discriminating between observation and analysis
- Identifying what relates to behaviour and what relies on identity
- Laying the foundations for an agreement to handling conflict constructively
How to handle emotions
- Understanding the influence of emotions on behaviours, perception & conflicts
- Decrypting the major emotions and turning them into constructive actions
- Coaching model practice to experience the significant benefits of first handling the emotions before addressing any reasoning
Identifying conflict reasons
- Getting awareness on our own rigidities, fundamental key principles, and motivations that no one is eager to negotiate, thus leading to conflicts
- Identifying our reactions when these fundamentals get compromised
Ways to strengthen emotional intelligence
- Connecting with the universality of needs
- Understanding differing personal strategies to fulfill needs, with conflicting impacts
- Sharpening listening skills
How to address the key underlying issues
- Digging under the different layers to properly define the real challenge
- Addressing the right conflict sources, in order to prevent their recurrence
- Understanding the functioning of our unconscious mind for powerful questioning
Overview of the method to handling conflict
- Steps to handle any conflict
- Understanding how to apply this structured methodology to conflicts at work
How to choosing the best suitable attitude
- Recognizing the different attitudes towards conflict
- Appreciating the consequences of each different attitudes on the conflict itself and on the parties involved
- Choosing the most appropriate attitude to address a difficult situation
Ways to finding creative solutions
- Experiencing how to boost creativity for solutions finding
- Understanding the power of focus
- Getting ideas on inspirational sources
Fundamentals of negotiation
- Adopting the right mindset to negotiate
- Identifying all positions at stake
- Preparing a strategic plan
How to encourage collaboration
- Applying the different steps of non-violent communication
- Acting as a mediator
- Harnessing the energy of conflict for collaboration
Ways to adjust for stress and prevent conflict escalation
- Understanding different levels of stress
- Getting awareness on how stress impact conflicts
- Coping with the right level of stress and get ways to reduce stressful situations
How to bring clarity and perspective to prevent conflict
- Defining SMART - PCP goals
- Alleviating the typical traps of formal goals
- Clarifying expectations with straight-forward model
Creating a conflict-free climate
- Understanding the fundamentals of positive reinforcement
- Building a trusting climate
- Accentuating the positive with praise