Talent Intelligence makes a move on Workplace Gamification

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Talent Intelligence Makes a Move on Workplace Gamification

Everyone in an organization is driven by something, games especially have a huge affect on any person...

At the HRDF Conference and Exhibition 2016, Talent Intelligence in collaboration with a well-known workplace gamification consulting firm - Tic Tac Toe Consulting, sought out to reform employee experience at work.
“We have seen game elements could be applied in many non-game contexts, and we’ve broken down those elements to fit in work environments. This is why it's so exciting, European countries and the US have started this, and we want to do the same in the Asian-Pacific region. Doing your routines or tasks at work can be much more meaningful and engaging for employees, if its done the right way, of course,” said Clifford Liow, CEO of Tic Tac Toe Consulting.
The HRDF Conference this year with an emphasis on Leading, Engaging, and Reinventing, has also touched on gamification topics in employee learning and development areas by industry leaders. 
Gamification can be applied the same in the onboarding process, talent development, talent engagement, talent retention, and talent succession planning.
Everyone in an organization is driven by something, games especially have a huge effect on any person. Talent Intelligence walked through participants at the HRDF Exhibit with their Spin-the-Wheel game and prizes. Using an element of unpredictability and curiosity of game techniques, they have gamified the experience! It brought attention to participants and finally to their newly developed app called SelfDrvn, an app to facilitate engagement at work.
Employee engagement is a new focus in today’s human resources industry. The industry has done much to bring us where we are today. We have the resources now, and now a new era of human resources that focuses on engagement is emerging. 

Join the Gamification in HR Workshop that will be held on 14 & 15 March 2017 to learn about the application of gamification in the workplace.

To gamify your workplace or event, contact us at [email protected] to enhance your employee engagement experience.

Established in 2008, Talent Intelligence focuses on competency training and HR consulting services with gamification solutions embedded in experiential digital learning and employee engagement. Its content and structural gamification will engage learners beyond traditional ways for better knowledge retention, sustainable engagement, drive behavioral change, and build new habits. Together as leaders alike, it will build a sustainable talent ecosystem in Asia.