Managing Stress to Build Personal Resiliency

Managing Stress to Build Personal Resiliency Training

Resiliency is the ability to withstand or recover from difficult situations. It includes the capacity to cope with excessive demands and stressful events without experiencing any undue personal stress. This workshop is designed to help participants understand resiliency and offers practical training in skills, strategies and insights that will enhance their resiliency.

Specific stress management techniques and strategies will be introduced to assist participants in adopting a new response and developing flexibility and resiliency in an ever changing and challenging work environment. Special emphasis is placed on adopting a new response to stress in the workplace and dealing with change.

The program is individualized through the Human Body Field Wellness Scan. The scan is a confidential and measures mental habits that determine stress levels. Prior to the workshop, each participant completes the scan. Each participant will be given their personal report that measures their stress level, mind, and emotional state. The scan result is analyzed to create a report for each participant and customize the learning activities for the workshop based on the spread of profiles.

The report analysis can:

1.  Help you understand yourself more completely

2.  Help you to feel much better about yourself

3.  Help you act more effectively in life, even in chronic problem areas

Who Is This For?

The program is suitable for anyone who would like to increase their knowledge of stress management skills that can easily be used to diffuse the damaging effects of chronic stress.

Learning Objectives:

Through self-discovery and increased awareness, participants will be able to:

  •  The relationship between work pressure, performance, morale (wellbeing) and resilience
  • What their natural strengths are and how to manage risks
  • Overcome counter-productive habits and inner barriers to resiliency
  •  Increase awareness of the relationship between thoughts, emotions, and physiology
  • Develop skills that will help lessen the degree of negative self-talk and irrational beliefs that may affect stress levels
  • Apply effective stress management techniques to maintain a sense of calmness and balance under pressure
  • Maintain a positive attitude and manage tough communication
  • Voluntarily access high performance levels of concentration
  • Increase self-control, flexibility, adaptability, and empathy
  • Reduce excessive reactivity to the minor challenges and irritants of daily living
  • Develop a practical and realistic set of skills that can be used in real time to increase everyday resilience and decrease stress
  • Skills and techniques to encourage long term behaviour and attitude change towards developing resilience 
  • To have more insight into individual levels of resilience
  • Increase awareness of the relationship between stress and resilience
  • Be aware of what depletes and increases, biological, psychological, and emotional resilience

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this workshop, participants will have the skills and knowledge to: 

  •  Manage personal stress and work related stress 
  • Become aware of your stressors, your emotional and physical reactions 
  •  Recognize what you can change 
  • Respond to stressful situations by using effective techniques 
  • Moderate your physical reactions to stress 
  • Utilize your own inner resources to find greater health and wellbeing  
  • Overcome stress and respond to it in a positive manner 
  • Maintain an optimum level of stress 
  • Help you understand the way your biological resilience affects stress
  • Understand the importance of flexible thinking and setting professional boundaries as practical ways of increasing psychological resilience
  • Have a better understanding of what depletes psychological resilience

Training methodology:  Training is delivered in a relaxed and flexible manner with plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion. Practical exercises will be used to illustrate key resilience skills and tasks giving delegates the ability to implement resilience into the workplace and managing stress intelligently.

Includes: HBF Wellness report and workshop training materials for all participants registered in the program.

A Note About Confidentiality

The information in participants HBF Wellness Report shared with Ida Hanim EQ Solutions, are treated as private and confidential. No one is permitted access to this confidential information for any reason, at any time.


Day 1

Training Scope:  Self- Diagnostic on Stress
Module 1: You can only manage stress once you have the knowledge about stress

-    What is stress and why we feel stress?
-    The difference between pressure and stress
-    When pressure leads to stress and anxiety
-    Major work-place stress causes: time constraint, conflict
-    The difference between constructive and destructive stress
-    Symptoms and results of negative stress
-    What stress costs organisations and its people

Training Scope: Self-awareness on stress cause by external factors
Module 2: Eliminate stress from the physical environment 

-    What is Earth Magnetic Field?
-    How human energy body field gets disturbed with the earth magnetic big field and EMF that causes stress
-    Learn practical techniques to reduce external stress contributors

Training Scope: Self-awareness on stress cause by internal factors
Module 3: I did it to myself- Stop self-sabotaging!

-    Awareness of mind, emotional, beliefs and how it affects stress
-    Repetitive negative thoughts & emotions and how it leads to stress
-    Learn own creative cycle and awareness of how the creative components contributes to stress
-    The physiology of stress – “Issues in the Tissues”
-    Awareness of lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body that leads to increase in stress

Day 2

Training Scope: Stress Management

Module 4: I am mindful – Being present!

-    Recognising your stress limits 
-    Identify and overcome counter-productive behaviors, negative self-talks, destructive beliefs 
-    Understand the benefits of stress management
-    Learn new positive stress-free habits with neuroplasticity

Training Scope: Determining stress management strategy
Module 4: I rise above the water – Self Mastery

-    Managing stress by time constraint
-    Managing time effectively
-    Saying No assertively
-    Delegating 
-    Managing stress caused by conflict
-    Managing own emotions
-    Effectively handling the behavior of others

Training Scope: Building Personal Resiliency
Module 5: I cultivate resilience for optimum performance

-    Have insights into individual’s level of resilience 
-    6 mental techniques for handling stress and building resilience
-    Psychosomatic therapies for instant renewals
-    Work/life balance

Training Scope: Determining a Treatment Regime
Module 6: Prescription for Success

-    Each participant selecting goals and methods they will use to combat stress. 
And return to work renewed, refreshed and ready to take up new tasks and challenges.