Leading Self For Well-Being

Leading Self For Well-Being


It is important to understand that stress is an inevitable part of our life. Stress can be a source of motivation; it can increase performance and add color to our life. But too much stress can lead to distress or burn-out.

Learning how to cope with stress is truly an art, a skill that one must and need to cultivate over time and constantly upgrade to meet the demands of life today. Although you cannot completely eliminate stress, you can always cope with and make it work for you.

One must also recognize that stress is both positive and negative. The positive aspect would be that it increases strength, energy, alertness and concentration. But on the other hand, if not manage carefully, it can decrease the level of energy, weaken your immunization system, wear you out easily, resulting in your contracting illness frequently.



  • Creating Awareness Of Stress And Its Impact Physically, Psychologically And Emotionally
  • Discover The Different Sources Of Stress And The Consequences Of Being Overly Stressed
  • Understand And Manage Our Ego States To Deal With Stress Effectively
  • Acquire Strategies On Performing Under Stress Productively


Learning Outline

MODULE 1: Getting To Know Stress

•       The Coping and Demands Model

•       The Human Function Curve


MODULE 2: Sources Of Stress

•       Causes of Stress – Internal & External

•       Personal Stressors

•       Assessment: My Stress Signals


MODULE 3: Realising Effects of Stress

•       Consequences: The Ugly Side of Stress

•       Berne’s Three Ego States

•       Assessment: What’s My Ego State


MODULE 4: Managing Stress

•       Ways of Handling Stress

•       Identify Circuit Breakers