Physical and Virtual Team Building at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!

Collaborative Excellence: Ipsos Team Building 2022

Handling a big crowd for a Team Building program was never an easy task but our trainers made it possible!

We witnessed all members of a productive team shared common goals, a common vision, and some level of interdependence that necessitates both verbal and physical interaction.  Regardless of races or religion, team buildings somehow bring everyone together and shared the same end-goal; to win every activity 😆

A lot of companies believe that a serious, dull, and professional work setting is the kind of ambience that will inspire the highest productivity. The truth is employees are human beings and as humans we tend to want some amount of joy and entertainment in our lives. This is why team building can really help inject some of the fun and festive mood in a workplace, transforming a boring and heavy atmosphere to a more light-hearted one where work can be seen as fun and enjoyable. Hence, this is how a better work environment can actually help with increasing work productivity and the satisfaction of employees when it comes to performing their tasks.

In Talent Intelligence, our activities vary from outdoor to indoor and you can customize according to your needs too!

Some of the activities that we ran for our recent Team Building: Collaborative Excellence with Ipsos are;



Listen to what the participants have to say about our Team Building programs!



Click here to know more about our Team Building Programs!

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