Welcome to Talent Intelligence Sdn Bhd

Design Your Digital Learning Strategy to Uplift Organizational Performance

Why is strategizing your digital learning important?

The workplace continues to change. We are learning while working. Most of the organizations today have begun to digitalize their internal learning with the purpose of connecting with the learning populations. With the explosion of digital content and high tech learning management system, content curation is critical to ensure the relevancy of the learning content. Not just creating, retaining the learning outcome is also important. Therefore, the organization must become digitally omnipresent for the learners. 

3 key benefits in Digitalization

  • Strategic impact

Using the Syzygy® Methodology we design a learning strategy that focuses on specific people performance - what people ACHIEVE, DO and LEARN that drives the required business results.

  • Scalable reach

Syzygy® enables you to set up a scalable performance framework reusable across many different functions, job roles, locations, languages and large groups of people.

  • Sustainable

All the above ensures your strategy is high impact, effective and a sustainable solution for your organisation.  

What is the Syzygy Methodology?

How does your organisation formally support formal training & informal learning in the workplace? How do you create an empowering organisation where people are improving their performance every day while working. Syzygy® Methodology leverages both PEOPLE & PLATFORMS with a clear PURPOSE & PROCESS as enablers to improve performance. As we digitize, we humanize.


Day 1

Morning Session 1
PEOPLE | Identify the priority of target groups to prototype your strategy and the stakeholders enabling their performance

Morning Session 2
PURPOSE | Define the shared organisational goals and each target groups' roles to drive the result

Afternoon Session 1
PROCESS | Map a common framework for the learning journeys with the content and experiences

Afternoon Session 2
PLATFORM | Identify the role of technology as an enabler of the journey-dynamic and structured, offline and online

Day 2

Morning Session 1
Set up a sample of an end-to-end journey in the technology platform

Morning Session 2
Plan and develop sample digital learning materials with learning content

Afternoon Session 1
Develop the instructions for the learning and assessment activities

Afternoon Session 2
Review another team's strategy & share your feedback to help them imporve the total learning experience and impact