E-Learning Series - Virtual Studio On Premise

E-Learning Series - Scenario Based e-Learning Video with Interaction

What is Scenario-based e-Learning with Interactive Video?

Scenario-based e-learning immerses learners electronically in situational simulations or learning experiences that allow them to gather skills and information that they will need for similar real-life experiences. Scenario-based e-learning is realistic, interactive, learner-centric, and involves applying new skills or knowledge through guided instruction. It places learners situations that require them to make decisions or show good judgement along the way.


Process of Creating Scenario-based e-Learning with Interactive Video 

elearning process chart


Content Development Process


Sample of Interactive Video for Cyber Security 


Sample Video for Employee Onboarding Journey


Sample Video for Case Study 


Sample Video for Role Play

2D Virtual Studio Recording: Mini Studio

An application for video production to capture and stream video in real-time with minimum technical skills.
An easy-to-use virtual recording and broadcasting studio that enables you to customise the background or environment.
Captures the presenter and the presentation materials with its multiangle scenes while recording and/or streaming the video in real-time simultaneously.

Setup Virtual 2D Recording Studio


Before Recording



During the Recording 


Final Output of the Recording


Flip Classroom Use Case